Special Annoucement - Expropriation
Good afternoon MCFN Membership,
It has been brought to our attention that some members within our First Nation has raised concerns with regard to expropriation. We have contacted the Land Code Governance Advisor Kelly Dickinson from the First Nations Land Management Resource Centre and she has responded in an email which I attached as a photo. She also provided us with an explanation on expropriation which is attached as a photo as well. I hope this helps our Membership in making an informed desision when it comes to voting time. I would also like to add that we have met with the Governance team and they have mandated me to have an Open Band meeting in the late winter coupled with an online option to represent the Land Code. In addition, the committee will be researching how other First Nations have handled expropriation within their Land Codes. We welcome any questions anyone has and encourage you all to attend. The date will be annouced at a later date.
Natalie Gauthier
Governance Coordinator