Eddy Robinson

Eddy Robinson is an artist, cultural teacher and traditional singer. A Crane Clan member of the Anishinawbek, he originates from the Missanabie Cree First Nation in northern Ontario. Working on the frontline of Toronto's Urban Aboriginal community has given Eddy a strong foundation and the belief in the value of his culture. His music and storytelling are a Celebration of his culture and community.
Traditional music has been Eddy's passion for over 20 years and the power of the drum has helped him find a good path in life. In 1998, Eddy established MORNINGSTAR RIVER Drum Group and produced three CD's. MORNINGSTAR RIVER specializes in Aboriginal Education, Traditional Health and Cultural Song & Dance Performance, and is passionate about its commitment to teaching society about Aboriginal culture, as well as, the education, personal health and leadership amongst Aboriginal Youth.
To view his web page morningstarriver.com
Source: Harbourfront Center