The Missanabie Cree First Nation Governance Committee drafted a Land Code through meetings, consultation with Members during the 2023 Annual Gathering, and through Online Presentations.
The Land Code will replace sections of the Indian Act as they pertain to lands management. This process was made possible through the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management, which was ratified by Canada by the passage of the First Nations Land Management Act.
Prior to implementation, Members will have to accept the Land Code through a ratification vote held on a later date. There will be a Voting Notice posted.
Once accepted, the Land Code will enable Missanabie Cree First Nation to manage lands and resources at the community level. It will give us the freedom to develop our community without the strongholds and restrictions imposed under the Indian Act.
Please note that as the documents and resources come available, they will be added as a clickable link below. This will be indicated with an underline underneath the title of the document.
Special Annoucement
Good afternoon MCFN Membership,
It has been brought to our attention that some members within our First Nation has raised concerns with regard to expropriation. We have contacted the Land Code Governance Advisor Kelly Dickinson from the First Nations Land Management Resource Centre and she has responded in an email which I attached as a photo. She also provided us with an explanation on expropriation which is attached as a photo as well. I hope this helps our Membership in making an informed desision when it comes to voting time. I would also like to add that we have met with the Governance team and they have mandated me to have an Open Band meeting in the late winter coupled with an online option to represent the Land Code. In addition, the committee will be researching how other First Nations have handled expropriation within their Land Codes. We welcome any questions anyone has and encourage you all to attend. The date will be annouced at a later date.
Natalie Gauthier
Governance Coordinator
Ratification Documents
Individual Agreement (IA)
IA – Annex A - TBP
IA – Annex B - TBP
IA – Annex C - TBP
IA – Annex D - TBP
IA – Annex E - TBP
IA – Annex F - TBP
IA – Annex G - TBP
Community Ratification Process Land Code
Voting Documents
Ballot Question
To provide your mailing address or a family member’s address, or to obtain a mail-in voting package, please contact the Administration Office.
Background Documents
Summary of Individual Agreement
Framework Agreement on FNLM
Summary of Framework Agreement
First Nations Land Management Act
Summary of First Nations Land Management Act
Power Point Presentation of Land Code
First Nations Land Management Resource Centre
Chief and Council mandated the Governance Committee with the task to complete the Land Code for Missanabie Cree First Nation. The Governance Committee completed their goal of drafting a land code unique to our First Nation community by communicating the Land Code to the members and holding consultation/information sharing meetings online, on-reserve, and off the First Nation reserve.
We thank all who have contributed their valuable input and time into the development of the Land Code.
Governance Committee:
Natalie Gauthier – Chair, Governance Coordiator
Victoria Pezzo
Deb Ewing
John Lacelle
Zack Jeffries
Nolan Rainville
Craig Gideon – Past Committee Member
Land Code Sub-Committee Members:
Davis Easton
Ashley Wilson
Pam Rew
Lois MacDonald
JoAnn Pezzo
Bobbi Fletcher – Past Councilor
Staff Resource:
Tess Sullivan
Shereena Campbell
Lisa Souliere
Brianne Nemeth
Michelle Carol – Past Employee